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Lecture with DPE Mercator Fellow Professor Timothy Quigley (25 October, 4 pm)

Guest Lecture "Towards a Strategic Governance Perspective of Digital Platform Ecosystems" by Prof. Tim Quigley

| Reading time: 3 min.

It’s our great pleasure to welcome Professor Tim Quigley (University of Georgia, Athens) for a distinguished guest lecture on Tuesday, October 25, 2022; 4.00 PM to 6.00 PM (Passau time/CET), in HK 16 room 202.

The afternoon will be especially valuable for all colleagues interested in issues around Strategic Management, particularly, Strategic Leadership and Governance and Strategic Management and Organization Theory of Digital Platforms and Ecosystems.

Tim Quigley is a leading scholar on strategic leadership and governance and a long-term friend and frequent guest of the University of Passau. He is Georgia Athletic Organization Chaired Professor of Management at Terry College of Business, University of Georgia. He serves as Associate Editor for Strategic Management Journal, and his research interests include corporate governance, the impact of CEOs, and CEO succession. Tim has published extensively in the Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, and Strategic Organization. His work is unique in that he focuses on the social evaluation of CEOs and the “romance of leadership” around them. He also collects especially interesting and broad data sets. He is also part of a scholarly community that aims to collect data on top executives in a way that they can be provided publicly, as a common resource for other scholars.

Recently, he has been studying topics such as “How do Investors Really React to the Appointment of Black CEOs?,” “A Database of CEO Turnover and Dismissal in S&P 1500 Firms, 2000 to 2018,” “Do CEOs of Privately Held Firms Matter More or Less than Publicly Traded CEOs,” “Board Predictive Accuracy in Executive Selection Decisions: How Do Initial Board Perceptions of CEO Quality Correspond with Subsequent CEO Career Effectiveness?,” and “Unintended Consequences: Information Releases and CEO Stock Option Grants.”

This autumn, Tim is visiting our University for the first time as Mercator Fellow of our German Research Foundation (DFG) Research and Training Group “Digital Platform Ecosystems” (www.dpe.uni-passau.de).

In this spirit, he will outline a broad vision for a strategic leadership and governance perspective on digital platform ecosystems. This topic will play an important role in the overall research program together with doctoral students at DPE and Tim as one of our external mentors. Here is an abstract of his talk:

The emergence of platform ecosystems has driven the formation of new businesses, fostered considerable global economic development, connected underserved corners of the world, and enabled new channels of communication and information flows preciously unimaginable. This evolution has resulted in countless benefits. At the same time, these platforms, and the various businesses that have created the ecosystem or that exist because of it, now operate in a new global environment that exists within a complicated web of cross-national governance structures which both limits the potential of the ecosystem (due to some overly burdensome and conflicting regulation) and also enables it to operate with some measure of impunity that may harm society (due to the lack of clear primary regulatory authority or stakeholder engagement). While many aspects of this environment are new, some of the problems created are not. In this presentation I will discuss how extant governance literature might inform our view of and research on platform ecosystems. I hope it then spurs some discussion among those attending. 

Please, send a note by October 19th, to ilonka.weinberger@uni-passau.de to let us know if you are interested in participating in the session in person and you will be provided with the Zoom link, if necessary. 

Professor Quigley will also reserve some time to provide feedback to emerging research papers during his stay at the University of Passau. Those of you who want to receive such friendly feedback, please send your paper by Wednesday, 19th, to andreas.koenig@uni-passau.de. You will be notified asap as to whether your paper is eligible for such feedback.

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