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DPE Forum

“Bytes and Behemoths: Understanding Power in Digital Platform Ecosystems”

4 - 5 June 2024, Passau, Germany

The Research Training Group Digital Platform Ecosystems (DPE) at the University of Passau, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), is pleased to announce the first DPE Forum. The DPE Forum is a conference that aims to provide a venue for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to share and discuss their latest research on digital platform ecosystems.

The DPE Forum is unique in its interdisciplinarity, bringing together academics and professionals of digital platform ecosystems from backgrounds in management, marketing, information systems, economics, communication science, and adjacent disciplines.

The DPE Forum will be held as an in-person conference from June 4 (afternoon) to June 5, 2024 in Passau, one of Germany’s most beautiful historical towns, located in the heart of Europe, right at the border to Austria and the Czech Republic.

Keynote Speakers

Professor Marshall van Alstyne, PhD
Professor in Information Systems, Boston University

Professor Dr. Martin Selmayr
Head of Representation of the European Commission in Austria
Former Secretary-General of the European Commission

Scientific Committee

  • Jenny Aker (Tufts University)
  • Stefan Bauernschuster (University of Passau)
  • Robert W. Gregory (University of Miami)
  • Michael Grimm (University of Passau)
  • Carolin Häussler (University of Passau)
  • Andreas König (University of Passau)
  • Jan Krämer (University of Passau)
  • Don Lange (Arizona State University)
  • Philip Leifeld (University of Essex)
  • Kelly D. Martin (Colorado State University)
  • Jens Prüfer (Tilburg University)
  • Timothy Quigley (University of Georgia)
  • Hannah Schmid-Petri (University of Passau)
  • Jan Schumann (University of Passau)
  • Thomas Widjaja (University of Passau)
  • Chayanin Wipusanawan (University of Passau)
  • Johanna Zimmermann (University of Passau)

More links (4)

Conference Program


Doctoral Consortium


Venue and Hotels



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