Mercator-Fellow Prof. Don Lange has arrived in Passau
We are delighted to welcome our Mercator Fellow Professor Don Lange (Arizona State University) for his first prolonged stay in Passau at the Research Training Group. Especially, we invite everyone interested to his distinguished guest lecture on Thursday, July 20, 2023; 4.00 PM to 5.30 PM (Passau time/CET) where he will talk about "The interplay between public values and digital platforms".
His one-year-long stay in Passau will be especially valuable for all colleagues interested in issues around bad behavior within organizations, corporate social (ir)responsibility, organizational reputation and stakeholder strategy.
His most recent article (with E.T. Paik, T.G. Pollock, S. Boivie, and P.M. Lee), titled “A Star Is Born: The Relationship Between Performance and Achieving Status Through Certification Contests in the Context of Equity Analysts” has been pusblished online in Organization Science. (
Don Lange is Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship and the Lincoln Professor of Management Ethics.
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